Friday, July 22, 2011

Open Your Soul to Healing presents - Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremony with Hawk & Linda

I know I haven't posted in nearly 30 days but I've been really busy working on myself, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, not so much physically (soon to change). Nontheless, I miss my blog , writting, and the energy from the readers. But, I'm back today with great news. Open Your Soul to Healing presents Soulshine Healing to my world - A plant medicine workshop with Walking Hawk and Linda Fernandez

Please check out the link above and drop by if you are interested.

Open Your Soul to Healing presents - A Soulshine Healing workshop.

As Reiki Practitioners, Lightworkers, Healers, Shamanic students, Students of life, and Intuitives it is very important that we heal ourselves first. Labels aside if you are reading this post and your interest has been piqued, please believe you soul is calling out for expansion. :) I'm excited to share this workshop with you as I've taken many wonderful, perspective shifting, intuitive building, spiritually expansive classes with Walking HawK (Cherokee Medicine Man) and his heir Linda Fernandez.

Plant Medicine - Tobacco (Cigar Ceramony and Ash Reading)

* Sage will be burned in order to purify space, thoughts, promote balance, harmonize the body, and de stress spirit - smoke is our offering to spirit.

 *Tobacco Neti Pot will be use to attune attendees w plant in order to open up the upper chakras.

 *We will all smoke some of the tobacco without inhaling , as the sage rises, and each individual exhales the tobacco, the messages will be read in the smoke. Everything is alive and everything in the universe speaks ....In this workshop we will learn how to listen. You'll be amazed because the tobacco will reveal conscious and unconscious Information which will help us grow spiritually as well as healers. Tobacco can be used a vice or, when respected, for healing.

 * Depending on the size of the group we'll all take turns reading the ashes.

* Q/A - discussing healing and magical properties of plant medicine; Peyote (introspective), Guayusa (heightens perspective / awareness - dreaming plant), Tobacco, Sage, etc.

*All proceeds from this ceremony will be donated in gratitude to further the work & vision of The Alignment Center. Space is limited. Please RSVP with Linda at: alignmentcenter.bookings@g​ To learn more about Hawk & Linda, please visit:

Thanks for reading

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mai Yur Ma - Following my heart to divine love

Mood - elated.

I'm feeling so much Joy in this very moment.

I was reminded today to be grateful.

I'm always grateful for the gifts God provides but was reminded to be grateful for the gifts awaiting me.

I am so grateful for being able to be home which has resulted in me gaining a best friend - Milly Rojas *angel hug*.

I am so grateful for having the time to garden and feel immense joy watching my crop grow.

I am so grateful for being single and unemployed because it's helped me focus and work on me.

I am so grateful for having the good sense to work on my spirituality and push the envelope by releasing other peoples beliefs.

I am so grateful for all the new friends I've meet during the last month.

I am grateful for developing a closer relationship with my cat.

I am grateful for my surge creativity allowing me to write more often.

I am grateful for the relationship I've developed with my spiritual support system which has enhanced my intuitive abilities and clairs.

I am grateful for having the courage to take a leap of faith in many areas of my life.

I am grateful for my evolving family relationships and my mom and I have become soooooo much closer over the last month.

I am grateful for finally being able to interpret the symbols I'm receiving and my connection with nature and the animals.

I am grateful for the many sychronistic events in my life.

I open myself to divine love and accept all the good the universe

I am grateful for who I've become and who I will be.

I am grateful to have been introduced to divine love.

I am grateful for all I will receive.

Updated Garden pics - Look at me now !!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Following my Intuition, Receiving Guidance, Synchronicities, Dreams, and Gemstones

I was going to write about a synchronized event that occurred on Friday but thought it sounded too airy fairy. It involved me pulling oracle cards for myself and the messages being confirmed in nature via observation encouraging me to prioritize, be disciplined, and have patience. I wasn't sure people would get it  without the background story so axed it. However, yesterday I had a really amazing experience so must share :)

After being Reiki level I attuned, One of the changes I noticed in myself was during Reiki sessions - I entered a meditative state. Now, anyone who knows me will agree that in itself is a mircale. I'm usually in my head mulling something over,on the way, about to go,  sometimes in the past, mainly in the future, and constantly in motion- It took me two weeks to slow down after quitting my job. I'm not a lotus position meditator because I'm impatient. Reiki is an intuitive practice although there are set hand positions and time recommendations for each position. It's more effective to tune into the energy and literally go with flow e.g. I'll put my hands on a clients shoulder , feel the energy leave my hands, only  move them once the flow stops which can last 1 min or 7 mins ,versus staying in all position for 2 - 3 mins. I don't rush Reiki and tend to flow with the energy therefore can't tell how long a session will last. As a result, I enter the zone.

 I quickly realized while in the zone, I was gifted with sight and often see symbolic images; fish, turn into a tadpole, into a frog which leaps out of the water and unto a lily pad, strong healthy tree in the desert surrounded by rows of small smooth stones in a circular motion being pumped water, fighting in a war with a client and seeing myself die, different animals, etc. I use to be afraid to say anything because I couldn't explain it but met Walking Hawk ( Native American Medicine man) who taught me how to interpret what I saw and tell the clientS (another post). I tell you this to explain my connection to animals and why I now observe them in nature and NOW LISTEN to their messages. Since, my Reiki I attunement my intuition has been really strong. I always had good instincts but now literally ask questions and get answers in my mind or am impulsed to pay attention via high pitched ringing. As a result, It brought me closer to God and also taught me spirituality is alot more involved than we are taught. So, I've established after a Reiki attunement changes can occur.

 I was Reiki II attuned on Saturday. During the attunement I received symbolic images; Giraffee ( Intuition - long neck sees all but is grounded) , # 7 ( doors opening), Cows in a meadow creating a pathway ( unsure), glittery pool ( treasures to come not necessarily money - relationships- whatever),  and a chanupa peace pipe ( connection to spirit). After the attunement one the students gave everyone a polished green gemstone which excited me -I love crystals. The only problem is she forgot the name of the crystal which is tough because it's hard to identify them once there polished. it's important to know the name of the gemstones because they all have special jobs; heal, help with intuition, abating fear, creating abundance, etc. We all said Thank you, felt honored, but rushed to finish the class because there was alot to cover and it was already 6:30pm. The class finally ended around 10:30pm. My friend Milly and I got home around 1am. We went to sleep much later - she slept over and we talked non stop.

In the morning , we were extremely tired from our late night and attunements. I forgot to add attunements aren't fun; for 21 days you have to nurture yourself, get rest, eat good food, drink alot of water because you're energy field is dispelling toxins (jacked). I had a massive headache  and slept on and off all day Sunday. I realized that my dreams were very vivid, realistic, and erratic ( no theme). I was bombarded with images and couldn't try to figure them all out. By the third time I feel asleep, I had a dream that I was given a bag of green stones that I couldn't identify -  I asked "what are these?" and was given a telepathic message " Green Tourmaline".

I woke up immediately and started researching the stone in my crystal book

" The Book of Stones who they are & what they teach" by Robert Simmons

Stones Heal and it's not often that I'm guided to a stone. In order to become a great healer, you have to self heal; if you're scared face your fears, love yourself, dig deep and find the root cause of consistent issues ( relationships) by analyzing beliefs, actions, lessons. break cycle/ habit, forgive yourself and other person. I journal none stop and spend alot of time in reflecting and self healing - it's alot of work but worth it.

As you can imagine , I was curious to see what I was guided to heal and was surprised to know Green Tourmaline is the jackpot of healing stones here are a few uses;

It's a chakra stone which is more effective than Rose Quartz & Pink Tourmaline for the 4th chakra because it aligns the heart's electromagnetic field with the earth's electromagnetic field strengthening the physical heart; calming the nervous system, emotions, and facilitating the proper flow of healing energy throughout the body
Premier Self Healing Stone
Enhances Gardens /House plants/ and can be used to connect to the spirits of plants and animals - great for sacred herbal medicine
Spiritually - It connects the user with Divine Love
Emotionallyy -counters fear of change or the over regulation of one's life & habits
Physical - Stimulates Proper cell function and reproduction. Cancer stone - assists in etherically treating cancers and other cell growth imbalances.One of the strongest stones for vibrational healing of the heart.

Affirmation for this stone - I am physically whole and vibrantly alive. The strength of my heart fills and surrounds me, and I am a positive force in the world.

Of course I had to have it and started searching online to order it. I mean it was perfect for me in every way....but, I was impulsed and told " You already have it". I thought of my Reiki II class and grabbed my purse , searched for the stone I was given, and compared it to pictures in the book, online, etc. Again, it's hard to identify stones once they are polished so I emailed my Reiki Teacher whose going to follow up with the girl who gave it us. I'm pretty sure it's Green Tourmaline but am not sure.

No matter, I Reiki'd myself with the stone on my heart chakra  for 25 minutes after cleaning and programming - my headache disappeared. I then wrote a letter forgiving my ex's, myself , and released any boxed emotions, sending distant healing to the past, and used the power symbol to seal it with positive affirmations - major self healing sessions. I dedicated the good karma of that session to all the women in the world praying for help, strength, hope, fearlessness, self love, etc. My friend and I also sent Reiki to each other at the same time increasing the power of our self healing session. It was one of the most powerful healing session I'd ever experienced and I had I've had great sessions.

I think it's a miracle. I found my Reiki II teacher looking for meet ups which would allow me to practice, noticed she was promoting a Shamanic Reiki class, attended believing I'd learn about my symbolic visions, met Walking Hawk who not only taught me how to interpret my visions, told me what my power animal was, and forcefully told me to grow it up - it's a strong animal but an adolescent fearful of it's own power/ unsure, had my life purpose validated in a cornmeal ceremony, learned how little we all know of our own inner strength , alchemy, spirituality, and how nature helps us, learned to trust myself, embrace my new gifts, develop my intuition, stand strong in my sense of self, heal myself, heal others, and expect synchronized miracles from God - stranger giving me a powerful healing stone and finding out the name of it in a dream.

My life is truly magical

I will write about Walking Hawk and what else I've been up to for the past two weeks.

Reiki Ideals - Just for Today, I will have Integrity

 In re - reading my posts , I realize that I sound like a broken record replaying songs of authenticity, growth, fearlessness, promoting questions regarding the source of our beliefs, and cautioning those seeking something beyond traditional religion to keep their eyes open. I'm not saying these things because I quit my job and am worried about money. I'm saying it because I'm noticing how fear can turn so called spiritual people into predators.

As you know, I'm Reiki Level 2 certified as of yesterday and am thrilled about it. Since, quitting I've taken steps to launch my Reiki business which involves networking with other Reiki Practitioners, attending healing circles, listening to shows hosted by Reiki practitioners, and sometimes  attending workshops to learn different ways to treat using Reiki. I'm really passionate about this energy healing modality because it's changed my life in such a profound and positive way. My goal is to learn all I can about Reiki and be the best conduit for  univeral energy healing. So, besides learning all I can from books, observation,  it's also important that I heal myself , do my own work, and follow the Reiki ideals.

Reiki Ideals

The art of inviting happiness ………The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today, do not anger
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work ( learned in level I included doing your work and spiritual work honestly)
Be kind to all living things.
Every morning and evening , join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth.

I'm not perfect and at times have to remind myself " You're a conduit *calm down* Reiki helped him/her - this is God's work" I see miracles so If I get validation Reiki has worked or is working, It's hard not to feel proud or even powerful. Although, I'm passionate about Reiki and feel the world would be  much better place if everyone were attuned/ receiving sessions. I would like to make make money for sesions. Would I turn someone away for not being able to pay my rates ?

 No, I provide free sessions all the time.
 As a matter of fact , on Sundays - I volunteer at  a wonderful non - profit organization which provides holistic health care services for women battling breast cancer - it's wonderful ( plug -check it out & donate check it ).

 I've had the opportunity to learn from and work with great  spiritually evolved healers (another post). But, I've also meet some "Reiki Practitioners" whose made my stomach turn. I've watched " Reiki Practitioners" lie about being certified, promote alternative healings they know are bullshit or unnecessary/ not investigate workshops they promoted, pretend to be psychics/ channelers,  attempt to determine whose worthy of practicing "hello conduit", etc. I know that on this physical plane we need money to live but I don't think that's an excuse for not having integrity. I think it's bad to take advantage of people but to do it under the guise of spirituality or purposely prey on vulnerable people - it's beyond disgusting. I don't think you can be paid enough for your good name/ reputation.

I feet compelled to write about this because I've seen too many questionable things over the past two weeks to ignore it. Myself included, it's important that we do our own self healing which include; emotional, physical, and mental clearing. If a person has such a fear of not having enough money that they'd do questionable things. I don't believe they should be practicing or involved in any activities which involves helping people - I'm sorry. I also say this to remind us all to be more discerning. Everyone can't be trusted - Please do your due diligence.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I'm offering a free half hour Reiki session at my home in the Bronx, NYC - please check out my website to set up an appointment or for more info.

I feel lead to post this because I feel that everyone should experience energy healing. Depending on the feedback - I may just host a healing circle.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Enpowerment, Releasing Fear, Loving me ......That's why I Quit!!!

I think it's time for me to tell you why I decided to quit my job. *sigh* It feels like an old story although it happened two weeks ago. Quitting represents the end of a period of my life and the beginning of a new phase. It's hard to explain but a part of me died that day making room for my imprisoned soul to feel sunlight. I've said this before and will repeat it many more times - I set an intention to evolve spiritually on February 2011 and got way more than I expected or hoped for. The process hasn't been easy. I've been forced to release  fears, comfortable beliefs ,  charter unfamiliar territory, and am being forced to step into my power. It's hard because we live in a world that supports fear, conformity, and believes in happiness outside of oneself via external sources. Living authentically is a wish, fantasy, bestowed on a few lucky ones, or a concept accessible only in our local movie theatres. My path is a lonely one, filled with skepticism, sanity checks, and conquering self doubt. I'm going to have to conquer myself/ quell my own fears/ doubts which is harder than justify my decision to family/friends.

I opened Pandora's box earlier this year and was led to books that lifted my spirit, forcing me to examine my beliefs, relationships with lovers, family, friends, work, and life. I was led to Reiki and became level I certified. I heard the word in passing on a radio show and felt an unexplainable connection although I knew nothing about this modality. I did a bit of research online to understand the modality better but was careful not to inundate myself. I wanted to experience Reiki without having an expectation. I took the Reiki class on April 9th , the day was spent reviewing the history of Reiki, Chakras, Etheric field, getting attuned, practicing on ourselves, and each other. I left with more questions that I'd come in with which was a blessing. I was forced to research and experience through self treatments. I journal alot and the weekend after becoming Reiki attuned and self treating - I wrote a long  compassionate letter to myself regarding my fluctuating weight. I was able to identify the core issue - protection. I was insulating myself and memories flooded my consciencouness showing me why. I suddenly knew that the weight would release it's self after I released my fears and worked on healing.

The compassion I felt wasn't limited to me but flowed onto everyone and everything. Now that I was able to forgive me - I could take responsibility for myself in challenging situations. Reiki allowed me to truly learn humility and become softer. I was always positive but I was now in a euphoric state although nothing in my life changed besides my perspective. Reiki healed unknown physical pain I carried in my body allowing me to confront unaddressed emotional hurt dumped in boxes inside myself. My 1st reaction was to forgive everyone and lower my boundaries. I learned quickly that everyone wasn't on my path and I'd be taken advantage of  or hurt without following my intuition which encouraged self preservation. During this healing process, I empowered myself. I let go of  relationships not out of anger but because I was falling in love with myself. I'd been working on loving myself unconditionally but I quickly realized the  being done was on the surface using tools that treated the symptoms but not the root causes. As I started to identify the root causes of my lack of love for myself and release them. My self worth increased. I could no longer tolerate inconsideration, being taken for granted, or abuse of any kind from me or anyone else. Reiki is helping me heal which is empowering me.

The day I quit my job I was berated by co worker for the umpteenth time. I'd been dealing with her wild mood swings since 2009. I was afraid to tell my boss fearful of how I'd be perceived but found the courage to stand up for myself in 2009, 2010, and 2011. However, nothing was done because my co worker offered my boss peace of mind. She handled reports for upper management and did the grunt work allowing him to golf . He said " She's a pain in the ass but gets the job done" which explained the light slaps on the wrist for her abusive behavior. My boss was also uncomfortable with confrontation which made me sympathize and consider his feelings more than mine, often shielding him from discomfort, rather than standing up for myself unless things were absolutely unbearable.

 The day I quit there were two explosive confrontations that took place in front of the Office Manager, Property Accountant (Manager), and my co worker. The 2nd on par with a physical attack - my co - worker came to my side of the office and started screaming because I dared to involve Human Resources. I asked her to walk away from my desk when she came closer and screamed " WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!!!! MAKE ME!!!! MAKE ME !!" I was stunned. I'd just requested a meeting with HR in writing cc'ing our boss, Office Manager was present, and so was the Property Accountant - no one said anything. I sat at my desk stunned and said " this shouldn't be happening at work" no one made eye contact with me or said a word. Although, this had been the worst confrontation to date, completely inappropriate, and out of line. The last incident took place around 5:45pm long after the end of the work day - I decided to quit. I realized there were no boundaries and I had to be my own savior. I drew from my internal reserves to empower myself.

Quitting was the hardest decision I ever had to make. I sat at my desk until 4am for several reasons; I didn't want to lose courage, waited for guidance in meditation, called my family/ friends for advice, printed every single belittling email, requests for adjustments in her behavior, correspondence with co workers/ friends/ family/boss regarding the situation, questioned myself to make sure that I'd explored every avenue imaginable to resolve the situation, acknowledge my angry/ humble responses, faced my fears regarding stability/ identity tied into my title and salary. I released the fear of having to stay for financial reasons, economy, etc and realized I deserved better. I deserved to be treated with respect and was worth more. I deserve a job that I love where I'm valued and respected. I deserve to be happy. I deserve to be treated fairly and equally.  I not only deserved these things at work but in my life.

I heard a small voice inside me say

" this is your chance to start living , love yourself, and create the life you've dreamt about. The time to live is now."

I decide to release my fear, honor myself, love myself, and step into the unknown. On the train ride home in the darkness , light filtered through, and the sun rose which symbolically represented what's happening inside......To be continued