Monday, June 13, 2011

Reiki Ideals - Just for Today, I will have Integrity

 In re - reading my posts , I realize that I sound like a broken record replaying songs of authenticity, growth, fearlessness, promoting questions regarding the source of our beliefs, and cautioning those seeking something beyond traditional religion to keep their eyes open. I'm not saying these things because I quit my job and am worried about money. I'm saying it because I'm noticing how fear can turn so called spiritual people into predators.

As you know, I'm Reiki Level 2 certified as of yesterday and am thrilled about it. Since, quitting I've taken steps to launch my Reiki business which involves networking with other Reiki Practitioners, attending healing circles, listening to shows hosted by Reiki practitioners, and sometimes  attending workshops to learn different ways to treat using Reiki. I'm really passionate about this energy healing modality because it's changed my life in such a profound and positive way. My goal is to learn all I can about Reiki and be the best conduit for  univeral energy healing. So, besides learning all I can from books, observation,  it's also important that I heal myself , do my own work, and follow the Reiki ideals.

Reiki Ideals

The art of inviting happiness ………The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today, do not anger
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work ( learned in level I included doing your work and spiritual work honestly)
Be kind to all living things.
Every morning and evening , join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth.

I'm not perfect and at times have to remind myself " You're a conduit *calm down* Reiki helped him/her - this is God's work" I see miracles so If I get validation Reiki has worked or is working, It's hard not to feel proud or even powerful. Although, I'm passionate about Reiki and feel the world would be  much better place if everyone were attuned/ receiving sessions. I would like to make make money for sesions. Would I turn someone away for not being able to pay my rates ?

 No, I provide free sessions all the time.
 As a matter of fact , on Sundays - I volunteer at  a wonderful non - profit organization which provides holistic health care services for women battling breast cancer - it's wonderful ( plug -check it out & donate check it ).

 I've had the opportunity to learn from and work with great  spiritually evolved healers (another post). But, I've also meet some "Reiki Practitioners" whose made my stomach turn. I've watched " Reiki Practitioners" lie about being certified, promote alternative healings they know are bullshit or unnecessary/ not investigate workshops they promoted, pretend to be psychics/ channelers,  attempt to determine whose worthy of practicing "hello conduit", etc. I know that on this physical plane we need money to live but I don't think that's an excuse for not having integrity. I think it's bad to take advantage of people but to do it under the guise of spirituality or purposely prey on vulnerable people - it's beyond disgusting. I don't think you can be paid enough for your good name/ reputation.

I feet compelled to write about this because I've seen too many questionable things over the past two weeks to ignore it. Myself included, it's important that we do our own self healing which include; emotional, physical, and mental clearing. If a person has such a fear of not having enough money that they'd do questionable things. I don't believe they should be practicing or involved in any activities which involves helping people - I'm sorry. I also say this to remind us all to be more discerning. Everyone can't be trusted - Please do your due diligence.

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