Thursday, June 9, 2011

Our Life's Purpose and where it can be found

I feel lead to write about the many paths to God/ Allah/ Jehovah, Universal Source/ Higher power, etc. There is a shift taking place in our world; many of us are disillusioned with our government, wanting to live authentic lives free from illusions of hierarchy/ status, on paths leading to our higher selves/ life's purposes, and on a quest toward enlightenment. We want to create a utopia here on earth rather than pay the price of suffering for admission into heaven - right we are. I can feel the tension and smell the restlessness in the air. * thunderous applause* It's about damn time we stopped following the wolves like meek, dumb sheep being lead to slaughter and demand change.

There are many people on earth willing dedicate their lives to change. Many of us who want to serve others and help heal the world. I've meet many of these seemingly ordinary people serving mankind in many arenas; librarians, nurses, post office clerks, retirees, teachers, therapist, etc. They are questioning their religious beliefs, social norms, examining their lives and wondering why their lives feel so empty. They've followed the rules ; went to college, got married, had children, are dependable employees, and responsible citizens and still aren't happy. Others haven't followed the traditional path and have lived with the secret shame of failure, pitiful stares, and are finally refusing to believe they are less than as a result.  These people want to break free of their molds/ labels and don't believe they're worthy or special enough to facilitate these changes on a personal or global level.

As we all know, when people feel despair or powerlessness, they turn to a higher power. Some people turn toward the spiritual base they are familiar while others turn to new age ideology, shamanism, self help books, spiritual workshops, etc. I'm all about question and researching before taking anything into your spirit whole heartily which includes learned beliefs. But, I must say something about searching outside oneself for spiritual understanding outside of traditional religion. There are many paths to God -I've meet spiritually evolved people from many religions; Catholic, Seven Day Adventist, Islam, Jehovah Witness, Rastafarian's, Shamans, Baptist, Metaphysical Paths, etc. I can take precious information from spiritual text reserved for the followers of any faith, just as I can leave many things behind, again there are many paths to God. Everyone can't be right nor everyone be wrong.

But, I feel compelled to say this again - we are all special and have a direct line to God. I urge those going to spiritual workshops, ceremonies, gatherings outside of traditional religion to exercises good judgement. I know you want to change your lives and the world but you don't need to spend thousands of dollars on workshops, consume plant medicine, participate in ceremonies, to become enlightened or deemed worthy of God/ special. A wise man once told me "we not only pray to God on our knees but when we gaze upon our creators wondrous creations in nature feel appreciation, express gratitude for our blessings, and feel creators spirit in kind words and deeds". No man is a pathway to God. When we pray we talk to God but in meditation, silence, and humility we are all able to hear our creators guidance. I don't believe rituals are our way into God's heart nor do I feel " enlightened humans with human frailties/ ego" can lead us anywhere but further from our connection from source via our intuition.

Our presence on earth deems us worthy (special) enough to connect with source and effect changes in our lives and the world. We are all equal. Lets live authentically by listening to our guidance which will lead us to our life's purpose and effect the change our world is demanding.

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